The last time I left you, I was scheduled for an MRI of the brain. Fortunately, it came back clean. I also developed a rash on my wrists and hands and had two skin biopsies courtesy of UCSF Dermatology, which only show eczema (not graft-vs-host disease). I have now had a total of five skin biopsies since October and quite frankly, I think I'll protest the next time. I'm tired of having skin removed and stitches for "eczema"!!!!! Especially on my WRIST! Finally, I also had a CT scan on Wednesday to check in on those little buggers in my lung, and although they are still existing (expected), they are no larger than a month or so ago (good). So I'll continue on receiving Brentuximaub and hopefully be off of the immunosuppressant in a couple weeks.
On a more spiritual note, Nicholas
adored coloring Easter eggs yesterday. It was his first "project"! It's not entirely clear in the pictures but his torso and arms are covered in Glad Press 'n Seal underneath that apron!