Nicholas definitely shares Daddy's love of the kitchen. He recently wrapped up a 10 week cooking class at Peekadoodle that he really enjoyed, so now I try to do some sort of cooking/baking project with him once in a while. He especially loves making cookies (I buy prepackaged dough that he can "cut" and "make" all by himself....I actually highly recommend Immaculate Baking Co. dough!). He also recently discovered the SEVENTEEN jars of sprinkles in our pantry, and he has used each and every one of them during his endeavors!!
Nicholas and I also started SoccerTots on Friday mornings and within ten minutes he reported, "Mommy, I LOB ("love") soccer!!!" We play on the Marina Green with views of Alcatraz and the Golden Gate Bridge.....we are lucky :)
Just a couple more...
For Father's Day, we sailed around the Bay and had lots of fun!! |