
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Beam Me Up

Yesterday was a beautiful day in SF, reminiscent of that even more magnificent day in Calistoga, exactly 3 years ago.  We have such happy, peaceful memories of that celebration.  We've obviously had more than our share of challenges since then.  But, it is the memories like those of our wedding, the great joy we get now from our little guy, the solace of our family and friends, and the anticipation of happy and untroubled times once again that gets us to tomorrow.

On Tuesday afternoon we met with the radiation oncologist at UCSF.  They are going to go with a somewhat unconventional and aggressive approach, giving me a more intense dose over a shorter period of time (5 days).  The beams will be highly targeted, but they have to consider all the other organs, tissues, etc that they will pass through to get to that nasty mediastinal mass.  So they are calculating/testing the best number and strength of beams to use.  Lots of algorithms and computerized computing :)  Fancy stuff.  The start date is not yet determined because they are going through the insurance approval process.  So now, I'm....just....waiting.....

Last night Kathy went back to NY and will return when needed.  Leah and Freddy arrive tonight and Kerry tomorrow!

On a money-saving note, did you know that you can recycle your old iPhones (and other Apple equipment) in exchange for Apple gift cards?  I did not know until I heard about it on the news yesterday!  I am sending in my old 3G (sorry Nicholas!) for a $55 card, redeemable at the Apple store!


  1. Beautiful couple. We are lucky to know you.

  2. Even in a time like this, you still drop knowledge about where to get a deal. Your amazing! B and I are with you and sending good thoughts your way!
