
Friday, May 24, 2013

Something Amazing Has Happened*

I went to clinic today to meet with Dr. Andreadis and receive my infusion of Brentuximaub. We discussed my scan from Tuesday. He met with the radiologist yesterday about the scan and the BIG message was....


I am putting an asterisk next to that beautiful word because there is just one (or maybe I should say two) question mark(s) that remain(s). Those two little nodules in my lung are still there. They haven't grown at all since the last scan, and after his conversation with Radiology, Dr. Andreadis is very reluctant to label them as Lymphoma. He thinks they are "fungal balls" (pretty image, right?). In other words, he thinks it's some sort of fungal infection. But there are no Lymphoma "hot spots" elsewhere in my body, and it's highly unlikely for Lymphoma to only appear in one's lungs, so that is why he says I'm in remission!

The only way to prove that it's infection in my lungs is to biopsy the nodules, which is an invasive surgery. So I'll have another scan (probably without contrast) in 6 weeks, and as long as the nodes do not grow, there will be no biopsy. 

In the meantime, I am "taking a break" from Brentuximaub. I did not get an infusion today. There is thought that it may be contributing to my high liver levels, which by the way were normal today. So the potential liver biopsy has been cancelled. Dr. A adjusted my meds a bit today (back on anti-fungal to address lung nodules and decreased immunosuppressant).  

What an amazing morning. Now I need a cupcake!

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