
Saturday, October 6, 2012

2nd Round Draft Picc

It was a tiring day here.  I received my second-to-last dose of Fludarabine in the morning.  In the early afternoon, my hickman catheter was still quite tender (problematically so), so after having a doc from the Interventional Radiology dept examine it, they decided it was infected and must be removed.
Bye bye oh so simple Hickman catheter
So since I was already on the table for the catheter removal, they decided to place a PICC line instead.  The downside of a picc is that it hangs from my harm, kind of like an IV, so when I'm hooked up to the IV pole I can't easily change clothes and have this annoying thing dangling from my arm.
I'm now donning a hospital gown "for ease".  
The other anxiety-provoking issue is that the last time I had a PICC (one year ago), it developed a blood clot.  So, fingers crossed.  The entire removal-placement procedure was pretty horrendous, as I was awake the entire time and after two painful attempts in my left arm, the doctors had to move over to the right.

The medical events of the day were studded by some FaceTime with home and with an appearance by the Blue Angels over the skies of San Francisco.  It was a great view from the Hem/Onc/BMT floor.
see the black smudges over the hills/GG bridge?  Blue Angels baby!

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